Deer Isle-Stonington School Board
High School Principal
Elementary School Principal
School Board
Meets 1st Tuesday of the month at 5:30 PM
Jane Osborne
Genevieve McDonald
Darian Gove
Darrell Williams
Chelsea Torrey(Chair)
CSD 13 Budget
CSD Minutes and Agendas
CSD 13 Strategic Plan 2018 – 2023
CSD 2019 Facilities Studies
Future of Our Schools
To receive board meeting agendas please contact Jessica Judkins to be added to the email list.
22-23 CSD School Calendar
23-24 CSD School Calendar (Approved)
High School Address
251 N. Deer Isle Road, Deer Isle, ME 04627
Tel: 207-348-2303
Fax: 207-348-2304
Elementary School Address
249 N. Deer Isle Road, Seer Isle, ME 04627
Tel: 207-348-6301
Fax: 207-348-6304